GCS Risk Management
We help Risk Management professionals in every sector mitigate financial risks by making informed decisions about the risk profile of their counterparties: Customers, Vendors and Suppliers.
Since our inception in 1996, we have served thousands of Risk Management professionals in all industries.
Our Clients represent many sectors:
Manufacturers | Wholesalers | Energy | Real Estate | Insurers | Financial Institutions
Among manufactures and Wholesalers, the sub-sectors represented are widely varied: Food, Apparel, Energy,
Paper Products, Chemicals, Appliances, Footwear, Beverages and Medical Equipment to name a few.
Our Solutions
Analyst Insights
In-depth retail-sector analysis prepared by professional, experienced risk analysts. Credit Opinions, Bank Reference, Same Store Analysis, Special Alerts for more than 230 major retailers and wholesalers – all published quarterly.
Scoring Insights
Risk Scores calculated every quarter for more than 22,000 public companies, worldwide. The Rating report displays Risk Scores, Ratings trends, selected financial metrics and Business Description.
Financial Insights
Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow presented in a condensed & detailed format. Financial ratios included with hundreds of pre-calculated ratios and ratio reports highlighting various financial risk concepts. And, access to all SEC filings.
Industry Insights
Reports with the data needed to gain insight into company financial performance and risk metrics occurring across any industry. Use this report to learn how a specific company is doing compared to its industry competitors.
Business News
Curated business news from reputable sources. News is filtered for relevancy and appropriate subject codes. News also can be filtered by company, portfolio, and optional date ranges.
Trade Insights
Reports and metrics based on trade data. Trade-based risk score reports; graphs, charts and data tables displaying AR data and monthly tables with all the trade data received by GCS Risk Management for each company.
Public Records
Tax Lien Info, Judgment and Bankruptcy Reports are available. For each Company, Public Record data includes Filing Date, Amount, Filing Type, Plaintiff, Case Number, Release Date, and Court Name.
Portfolio Management
Users have many tools to create and manage their Portfolios. Users can create unlimited portfolios, and can share their portfolios to other company Users. Email options can be based on portfolios.
Custom Options
Custom Scoring: Seamlessly integrate your organization’s risk policies and Scoring Models to generate custom risk scores.
Custom Client Excel: Automate your Company’s Excel workbooks; formats, formulas, graphics and macros are replicated; workbooks are automatically updated with data from GCS Risk Management.
Private Company Scoring: Generate financial risk scores; confidentially enter and archive private financial statements; access ratio and benchmarking reports.
Companies in all sectors use GCS Risk Management, find out how we can benefit your business!
GCS Risk Management, find out how we can benefit your business!
GCS Risk Management
Services and Support
Implementation Services
Seamless, quick onboarding for all users
Portfolio Management
Guidance for portfolio structure that tracks your workflow
Unlimited Training
Product specialists
ensure the proficiency of all Users
Client Support
Dedicated support professionals available for all Users
Analyst Advisory
Dedicated support professionals available for all Users
Custom Data Transfer Options
Provide specific data directly via FTP or API
Management Changes
Specific tools available for Management Control
Transition Services
Targeted assistance for changes related to mergers and acquisitions
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